Project Nadia seeks to create a genealogy of the world's composers as arranged by student-teacher relationships. Named for Nadia Boulanger (1887–1979), a hugely influential music teacher of the 20th century, this project seeks to record the history as well as future of music in a unique way that highlights the role of the teacher, by using student-teacher relationships to present the world's composers as one large family.
Project Nadia is and will forever be a work in progress. Any and all composers are invited to submit information on their educational background to contribute to this growing project, and in doing so perhaps gain a different perspective of their own place in the music world.
There are no specific requirements on the nature of one's education with any given teacher to be included. If you consider yourself a student of someone, no matter the setting or timeframe, then they should be included.
Project Nadia was conceived and is developed by Victor Zheng. Inquiries and feedback may be directed to Victor at